At Petals, we've a number of florists in the past help customers and also our own staff with keeping their flowers Hong Kong alive and fresh. There are number of things our florists have coached us that you can do to make sure your Valentine's endeavours last longer.
First of all, no matter how they were delivered, possibly by hand, by the florists or by a mail make sure you put your current flowers into a thoroughly clean vase with the having to wrap still on as well as let them drink up the particular clean water. Next be sure to use cut floral food. The plants will last longer if you use cut flower foodstuff but make sure you your read directions and make use of the correct amount. If you fail to find any flower food or haven't any handy, all you need is a teaspoon of glucose, a teaspoon regarding vinegar and a tsp . of bleach wiped out in half a re of water to help keep the flowers fresh.
Blossoms don't like direct sunlight as well as draughts, and at night they like to be kept awesome so keep them in the cool, sheltered place. You should keep them far from anything that gives off heat like the TV, microwave or indoor home heating appliances (maybe inside summer this won't become such a problem).
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